We Are UpStanders

UpStander (n): a person who chooses to take positive action and intervenes or stands up on behalf of another when they need help. 

We are UpStanders, meeting people where they are and helping them become better versions of themselves through friendship.

At The Friend Foundation, we believe that human connections transcend all boundaries and that everyone deserves compassion, support, and friendship.

Our mission is to improve the wellbeing of others by creating communities of UpStanders, empowering individuals from all walks of life to unite, regardless of race, social status, gender, or religious affiliation, to help and uplift others less fortunate.

We are committed to fostering an environment that encourages empathy, understanding, and respect. Our programs, initiatives, and partnerships empower people to create lasting friendships, promote social inclusion, and build bridges across cultural divides. We strive to make the world more connected, supportive, and compassionate, one friend at a time.

The Importance of Friendship

Friendship plays a critical role in promoting one’s overall health and well-being.

Cultivating solid and supportive friendships benefits one’s emotional health and is intrinsically linked to physical health and longevity.

For example, social and emotional support can help manage stress, fostering resilience against mental health challenges such as depression and anxiety (Pezirkianidis, C., et al., Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 14, 2023; Blieszner, R., et al., Innovation in Aging, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2019). Moreover, friendships often encourage healthier behaviors, such as regular exercise and a balanced diet, improving physical health and well-being.

Friendship creates a sense of belonging and companionship and in turn reduces loneliness and boosts self-esteem, contributing to a more positive outlook on life.

Simply put, friendship creates a greater sense of well-being!